Dr. Josh Steinberg Creates a Contraceptive App!
This month, we are highlighting Dr. Josh Steinberg, family medicine faculty member at UHS Wilson Family Medicine Residency in Binghamton, NY, who recently developed a Contraception Point-of-Care mobile app (iPhone and Android versions) that pulls together information and guidance from a variety of sources, including RHAP’s own clinical tools! This app is intended for clinicians and clinical trainees, making it easy for them to access critical information that will help them develop and practice prompt and skillful provision of contraception care to patients.
When he first started medical school in Syracuse, New York, Dr. Steinberg thought about becoming an ob/gyn because he really wanted to deliver babies. He then realized that as a generalist, he would not only get to deliver babies and offer pregnancy care but also treat whole people and their families. “Delivering babies and providing pregnancy care is part of primary care— so of course contraception and family planning are as well.” Dr. Steinberg says that offering contraception and family planning can make a huge difference for his patients, and allow them to have the lives and families that they want, when they want them. “If they want [family planning], we should give it to them.”
Dr. Steinberg says he created the app for two main reasons. “First, this app helps clinicians offer good care. Having this information at their fingertips the moment they need it helps improve our patient care.” For example, having RHAP’s Quick Start Algorithm available to a doctor while the patient is in the room helps make sure that they can offer contraception properly and immediately. He also uses his app as a teaching tool. “A lot of the materials that I pulled together are in the app because they help me teach about contraception. I built an app with the [content] that I like to refer to and cite when I teach.”
Here at RHAP, we love seeing how people use our materials in creative ways like Dr. Steinberg, and are very grateful for his work in helping make good reproductive health care information easily and readily available!