Contraceptive Pearls


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Contraceptive Pearl: Implant Removal: Pop Out Technique

Implant removal can be significantly more difficult than insertion. This Contraceptive Pearl details the “pop-out” or “fingers only” implant removal technique, which requires less anesthesia and a smaller incision and causes less swelling than removal with instruments.

Contraceptive Pearl: Self-Administered Progestin Injection: Depo SubQ

This Contraceptive Pearl covers Depo SubQ, the version of depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) that can be prescribed as a subcutaneous injection that patients give themselves at home. It contains about 30% less progestin than the in-office form, which may reduce some of Depo’s side effects.

Contraceptive Pearl: Breast Cancer and Contraception

For many years, clinicians and patients were concerned that hormonal contraceptives might raise the risk of developing breast cancer. Fortunately, studies indicate that using hormonal contraception does not contribute to breast cancer. This Contraceptive Pearl details the history and relationship between hormonal contraceptives and breast cancer.

Contraceptive Pearl: Contraceptive Care for LGBT Patients

All patients deserve to be treated with the highest level of respect. When a patient is a member of the LGBT community, health care providers should take care to use the correct language so that the patient feels most comfortable.

Contraceptive Pearl: Withdrawal

Nearly 60% of women aged 15-44 in the United States have used withdrawal for birth control at least once. This contraceptive Pearl covers the pros and cons of this contraceptive method.

Contraceptive Pearls

This monthly clinical e-newsletter highlights evidence-based best practices for contraceptive care

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