The Home Shot / Depo-Provera Sub-Q User Guide
Explains the basics of how to use Depo-Provera Sub-Q.
Help Us Protect Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Today!
Explains the basics of how to use Depo-Provera Sub-Q.
Explains the basics of how to use emergency contraception pill (EC).
Aftercare instructions to use with patients having a vasectomy.
Explains the basics of how to use a diaphragm.
Explains the basics of how to use a condom.
Explains the basics of how to use an internal condom.
Explains the basics of how to use spermicide and acidifying gel.
Pre-procedure instructions to use with patients having a vasectomy.
The Vasectomy user guide provides information about the vasectomy procedure. This sheet covers questions such as “How Does a Vasectomy Work?”, “How Well Does it Work?”, and “How Long Does it Take?” Spanish, Chinese Traditional/Simplified, and Hindi: Updated October 2022 Reading Grade Level (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level): 7.3