Algorithm that visually outlines the options for managing an ongoing pregnancy or retained gestational sac on ultrasound after medication abortion.
Absolute indications for sonography when providing a medication abortion.
Template for documenting health center privileges to provide abortion care.
Key counseling points for teaching and providing medication abortion counseling.
Gynuity Health Projects document contains a few critical questions about misoprostol allegations in prosecution of induced abortions
Consent form for a remote abortion with pills. Spanish Updated: 2022 Reading Grade Level (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level): 7.7
This checklist was developed by clinicians to help when supervising/precepting clinicians to provide medication abortion.
Study explores abortion provision among family physicians five years after completing residency at programs with abortion training.
These guidelines are intended to be in compliance with the requirements of 45 CFR Part 75 and address the development of costs centers for activities outside of the Health Center’s Section 330 grant, in the “Other Lines of Business” or “OLB”, category as described in the Budget PIN (PIN 2013-01). See our Practical Guide to…
The primary study aim was to describe patient satisfaction with abortion care in family medicine centers (FMCs).